The exciting tale of Simba, a young cub who earns his place in the Circle of Life, is retold in the classic Little Golden Book format. Children ages 2-5 will roar with excitement as they read this retelling of Disney’s The Lion King.
ISBN-10 : 9780736420952
ISBN-13 : 978-0736420952
Publisher : Golden/Disney; Illustrated edition (September 9, 2003)
Language : English
Hardcover: 24 pages
Reading Age : 2 – 4 years, from customers
Dimensions : 6.63 x 0.22 x 8 inches
Item Weight : 4 ounces
Buy it nowThe exciting tale of Simba, a young cub who earns his place in the Circle of Life, is retold in the classic Little Golden Book format. Children ages 2-5 will roar with excitement as they read this retelling of Disney’s The Lion King.
Types | Hardcover |
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