Improve on your KNOWLEDGE of ELECTRICITY in PHYSICS.If you are having trouble understanding the fundamentals of electric circuit calculations in physics, then your problem is solved with this book, Basic Calculations in Electricity. This book makes it very easy to learn the basic concepts of circuit calculations.The step-by-step detailed explanation given in this eBook, makes this practical guide a useful companion for learners. This book will serve as a teacher to students of high schools ans colleges. Students writing entrance test or exams into higher institutions of learning will find this book very useful. The areas of circuit calculations covered in this book include: ELECTRIC CURRENT RESISTORS IN CIRCUITS DIVISION OF CURRENT AND VOLTAGES BETWEEN RESISTORS IN CIRCUITS GENERAL CALCULATIONS IN ELECTRIC CIRCUITS ELECTRICAL ENERGY BUYING OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE LAWS OF ELECTROLYSIS CONVERSION OF GALVANOMETER TO AMMETER AND VOLTMETER ALTERNATING CURRENT (A.C) CIRCUIT RESISTOR, INDUCTOR AND CAPACITOR (R-L-C) CIRCUIT IN SERIES Easy enough for beginners and dummies, and challenging enough for excellent students, Basic Calculations in Electricity, improves your understanding of this essential branch of physics.
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