Massages are so relaxing. They make you all smooshy and snoozy and smiley. But, if you decide to return the favour and give a massage, never ever give that massage to a moose! Why? Well … Never EVER massage a moose, Seriously, why would you try? When you go to massage the shoulders, The antlers will poke your eye! And if you think massaging a monkey or a mouse would be any better, you’ve got another thing coming! Lie down and relax with another Never Ever book by the bestselling author of the How to Catch series, Adam Wallace, and the creator of the Ninja Life Hacks series, Mary Nhin. Also in the Never Ever Series: Never Ever Marry a Mermaid Never Ever Upset a Unicorn Never Ever Lick a Llama Never Ever Cuddle a Crocodile Never Ever Tickle a Turkey Never Ever Shave a Santa Never Ever Race a Reindeer Never Ever Exercise an Elf Collect them all!
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